What's Going On? Eyes on Africa and the Caribbean

"Because Your Life Is Worth Playing": How Scott Hilton Clarke Helps Leaders "Find and Live their Music"

Moronke Oshin-Martin & Grace Oshin Episode 28

In this episode, we talk to Scott Hilton Clarke of Trinidad and Tobago. Scott is the Founder and Managing Partner of Inspiration Laboratories, a firm that is focused on advancing early-stage ventures and helping later-stage companies expand internationally.

For over 25 years, Scott has been advising and inspiring senior executives and entrepreneurs to raise their level of personal leadership effectiveness. His work has revolved around helping leaders “find that thing which makes their heart sing,” and inspiring others to achieve their goals, dreams, and aspirations. 

Scott points out that:

1. Employees of his clients frequently complain that their “their leader would go on a leadership course or have the latest leadership book on their desk, by the way, there are over 70,000 books on leadership on Amazon, yet when the leader comes back from these courses they don't have any experience of them being a better leader.”

2. “A big part of what I do is helping leaders have what I call presence. It’s helping them own what makes them great. I help them find their music. I have observed that when they are able to own what makes them unique, [and discover] what their music is, they're able to have presence as a leader.”

3. Scott’s focus is on helping his clients “find their music”, which he defines as [00:05:00] “the intersection of one's talent, one's passions and then what makes one unique. And those three windows, three domains come together. It really makes you out in a really powerful way…Your music is the dynamic expression of what’s inside of you.”

4. Scott, who has clients all over the world—from the U.S, the Caribbean, and the Middle East, identified Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley as an example of a leader with presence; a leader who has found her music, and as a result is able to excite and empower those around her and beyond.  Check out Prime Minister Mottley's speech at #COP26 in Nov. 2021 https://youtu.be/rhlcN3_9tvw

To learn more about Scott Hilton Clarke or to inquire about his executive coaching, leadership development, training, management consulting, and Diversity & Inclusion training services, check out the links below




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